Name (IRL): John
Age: 18
Location: England
Languages Spoken: English
Toon Name (Main): Nalfien
Class: Mage
Spec: Fire
Level: 70
Professions: Skinner 375, Alchemy 375
Do you confirm that you will not be switching spec (Healer/Tank) as this only inbalances the whole guild ?
What other guild have you been in ? And what are your reasons for leaving ? Epsilon is the only raiding guild I've been in. Nice people but unfortunately there was a mass exodus some months ago and since then it's been a struggle to get enough people to do 25-mans.
Ventrilo is a requirement on raids. Are you able to use this ? Talking is only required for raid leaders / Listening is required for Raiders. Yes, I can use it. I'm currently without a mic atm though.
Do you have the following add-ons ?
Omen Yes
CTRA (or equivalent)
Deadly Boss Mods Yes
Bigwigs Yes
X-Perl (healers only)
Pally Power (Paladins only)
What raid experience do you have ? Karazhan, ZA (the first four bosses), Gruul's Lair, Magtheridon
What preparation would you bring to raids ? Pots, Reagents, Wizard Oil, Food Buffs
Why do you want to join Wraith ? Your raid progression seems perfect for my gear, and i'm eager for the new challenge of SSC and TK
Why should Wraith accept you as a member ? I'm a comitted player, who will always give the utmost effort in every situation. I have a good attitude, and although i've yet to venture into SSC/TK i've read up on all the encounters and I think i'm ready for them
For me raiding is about the satisfaction of mastering an enounter, not about gear. After all when WotLK comes the gear will become obsolete but the knowledge that you defeated some of the games hardest bosses will remain.
Our guild guidlines can be found on the homepage
Have you read the guide lines on the Wraith Ranking System, Loot Distribution, Etiquette & Behavior, General Guild Guidelines, Guild Struture and Guild Bank and furthermore you understand them ? Yes