Name (IRL): Thom
Age: 19
Location: The Netherlands
Languages Spoken: Dutch, English
Toon Name (Main): Sylanas
Class: Druid
Spec: Balance (44/0/17) will probably be my raiding dps spec.
Level: 70
Link to Armoury:
Professions: LW 375 skin 375
(I might not be the right spec since I’m also trying to do some pug runs and since they usually need tanks I’m feral specced now and then.)
What alts do you have ?
Lvl 70 mage
Do you confirm that you will not be switching spec (Healer/Tank) as this only inbalances the whole guild ?
although I think this is kind of weird especially being a druid that can tank too besides dpssing, if that would be needed.. but yeah I will except it.
What other guild have you been in ? And what are your reasons for leaving ?
Sleeping in shatrath, I left because I wanted to focus more on pvp, and decided on changing my spec from feral to balance I also had problems with being on time for raids, because of school which is now over (finally ). Have been in bane for a while as well, did some Karazhan runs and 1 the eye run with them but the problem there was that they already had 7 active feral druid tanks so there wasn’t a raid spot available, but after a while I got asked to go to SIS which I did .
Ventrilo is a requirement on raids. Are you able to use this ? Talking is only required for raid leaders / Listening is required for Raiders.
I always use it in arena’s where I talk and listen
Do you have the following add-ons ?
CTRA (or equivalent)
Deadly Boss Mods
X-Perl (healers only)
Pally Power (Paladins only)
What raid experience do you have ?
Karazhan, gruul, Zul’aman, the eye (first boss)
What preparation would you bring to raids ? (pots etc)
oil, pots, food and Buff mats of course
Why do you want to join Wraith ? because my pvp partners mostly quit playing, transferred, I miss raiding and wraith seems like a nice progressive guild where I think I still have some friends
Why should Wraith accept you as a member ?
because I know my class and I’m in general a pretty nice guy.
Our guild guidlines can be found on the homepage
Have you read the guide lines on the Wraith Ranking System, Loot Distribution, Etiquette & Behavior, General Guild Guidelines, Guild Struture and Guild Bank and furthermore you understand them ?
Not yet but I will read up on them as soon as possible