Please do not forget to link your characters armory link Wink ( example)
Name (IRL):
Rena, Norway
Languages Spoken:
Polish, Norwegian, English and german
Toon Name (Main):
Gonna take affliction and destruction at 70
52 and rising
Link to Armoury:
Armory is currently down atm. will post once its up.
Tailoring and skinning
What alts do you have ?
Wolflord, 70 warrior, Iskra 60 mage, Hesalium 64 hunter, Aas 65 shaman ( Lightbringer)
Do you confirm that you will not be switching spec (Healer/Tank) as this only inbalances the whole guild ?
I will certainly not respecc unless asked.
What other guild have you been in ? And what are your reasons for leaving ?
On Moandor, only leveling guilds.
Ventrilo is a requirement on raids. Are you able to use this ? Talking is only required for raid leaders / Listening is required for Raiders.
es, used vent for many of my raids on Wolflord. Works perfect.
Do you have the following add-ons ?
CTRA (or equivalent)
Deadly Boss Mods
X-Perl (healers only)
Yes, I have them all.
What raid experience do you have ?
AQ- Huhuran (Cleared in TBC)
Naxx, cleared in TBC
MH- 30% wipes on Archimonde
BT- Up to gorefiend and Bloodboil
What preparation would you bring to raids ? (pots etc)
As a warlock I will bring 3 flasks, mana pots x20 hp pots x20 around 50 soul shards, Destro pots x20 for progress raids.
Why do you want to join Wraith ?
Seems like a nice guild to progress in. Would be amazing to join you guys for a fresh new start
Why should Wraith accept you as a member ?
Im a friendly guy who can and will stay for every raid and wipe as long as it takes. My skills is not at the top, but I will get that sorted when I run trough Outland.
Have you read the guide lines on the Wraith Ranking System, Loot Distribution, Etiquette & Behavior, General Guild Guidelines, Guild Struture and Guild Bank and furthermore you understand them ?
Yes, I have.
Do you have any questions for us ?
Not as I can think of, will post one if it is something tho!
Any other info:
The raiding experience is from Wolflord( my warrior) He has been on the server for allmost three years now. I recently rerolled from him to horde side with some friends, now im looking for a fresh start and some new people I Can get to know
Final Note if you join Wraith after the 10th of every month, subject to approval and attendence you will not be promoted to Occasional Raider until the end of the following month. For instance: if you join on the 3rd June, the decision on your rank will be made on the 30th of June..if you join on the 15th July, the decision on your rank will not be made until the 31st August.