Name (IRL): Magnus
Age: 28
Location: swe
Languages Spoken:
swe eng
Toon Name (Main): foxysocksy
Spec: shadow
Level: 70
Link to Armoury:
Professions: tailoring enchanting
What alts do you have ? 70 warrrior
Do you confirm that you will not be switching spec (Healer/Tank) as this only inbalances the whole guild ? yes
What other guild have you been in ? And what are your reasons for leaving ? dante left becorse of work and did get a bit inactive
Ventrilo is a requirement on raids. Are you able to use this ? Talking is only required for raid leaders / Listening is required for Raiders. yes
Do you have the following add-ons ?
Omen yes
CTRA (or equivalent)
Deadly Boss Mods yes
X-Perl (healers only)
What raid experience do you have ? Kara Za The eye magtheredon ssc monthreall
What preparation would you bring to raids ? (pots etc) flask of pure death and super wisard oil for wepon and dmg + stamina food
Why do you want to join Wraith ? ..... seems to be a nice guild nothing more nothing less
Why should Wraith accept you as a member ? good team player
Have you read the guide lines on the Wraith Ranking System, Loot Distribution, Etiquette & Behavior, General Guild Guidelines, Guild Struture and Guild Bank and furthermore you understand them ?
Do you have any questions for us ? no....